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    Before Marriage 結婚前

    Verbs 動詞

    1.to ask someone out - to ask someone to go on a date 邀請某人約會

    Alan asked Susan out last week. She still hasn't given him an answer.上周艾倫邀蘇珊外出約會。她仍然沒給他一個答復。

    2.to date - to see someone repeatedly in a romantic sense在戀愛關系中與某人頻繁見面;交往

    They dated for two years before they decided to get married.在他們決定結婚之前,他們已經交往了兩年了。

    3.to fall in love - to find someone that you love找到你愛的人

    They fell in love while on a hike through Peru.他們在秘魯遠足時相愛了。

    4.to go out - to date once, to go out repeatedly (often used in the present perfect continuous form)一次性的約會,或頻繁地見面(常用于現在完成進行時)

    We're going out next Friday. We've been going out for a few months now.我們下周五要出去約會。我們已經交往了幾個月了。

    5.to court - to try to date someone (older English, not often used in modern, everyday English)試圖與某人約會(老式英語,現代日常英語中不常用)

    The young man courted his love by sending her flowers every day.這個年輕人為了求愛,每天都送她花。

    6.to go steady - to date regularly over a long period of time在一個較長的時期內定期約會,確定關系

    Tim and I are going steady.蒂姆和我確定戀愛關系了。

    7.to have a boyfriend / girlfriend - to have a continuing relationship with one person與某人建立持續的聯系

    Do you have a boyfriend? - That's none of your business!你有男朋友了嗎?——不關你的事。

    8.to arrange a marriage - to find marriage partners for other people幫別人尋找婚姻伴侶

    In the US most people find a partner by dating. However, it's common to arrange marriages in a number of cultures around the world.在美國,大多數人通過約會來找到自己的伴侶。但是,在世界許多國家,說親也很常見。

    9.to woo someone - to try to go out or date someone試圖與某人約會

    How long have you been wooing Anna? Have you asked her out yet?你追安娜有多久了?你跟她約過會嗎?


    1.speed dating - modern technique to find someone to date, people speak to each other quickly one after the other in order to find someone to date閃電約會——現代約會的一種技巧,人們一個個與他人快速交談,來尋找對象。

    Speed dating might seem strange to some, but it certainly helps people find others quickly.閃電約會對于一些人來說可能比較陌生,但它確實可以幫助人們快速找到對象。

    2.online dating - sites that help arrange relationships by meeting possible romantic partners online網上交友——通過在網上與有發展可能的對象見面,從而幫助人們相親的網站。

    As many as one in three marriages start with online dating these days.現在,有多達三分之一的婚姻始于網上交友。

    3.courtship - period of time during which a man tries to convince a woman to marry him (not generally used in modern English, but common in English literate)求愛期——男士試圖說服女士嫁給他的時期(在現代英語中不常用,但英語文學作品中很常見)

    The courtship lasted for six months, after which the couple married.求愛期持續了六個月,之后他們就結婚了。

    4.relationship - when two people have a committed attachment to each other交往期——兩個人相互承認關系

    I'm in a relationship at the moment.我現在有交往的對象了。


    1.match made in heaven - two people who are perfect for each other天生一對——兩個人非常般配

    Bob and Kim are a match made in heaven. I'm sure they'll have a happy and healthy marriage.鮑勃和金姆真是天造地設的一對。我可以肯定他們的婚姻一定會幸福美滿的。

    2.love at first sight - what happens when someone falls in love the first time they see someone一見鐘情——第一次見面就愛上了對方

    I feel in love with my wife at first sight. I'm not sure it was the same for her.我對我妻子是一見鐘情。但我不確定她是不是也這樣。

    3.love affair - a romantic relationship風流韻事——戀愛關系

    Their love affair lasted for more than two years.他們倆的風流韻事持續了兩年多。

    4.blind date - to go out with someone you have never seen before, blind dates are often arranged by friends事先一無所知的相親——和你之前從未見過的人約會,這種約會通常是朋友安排的。

    She was surprised at how much fun she had on her blind date last week.上周的相親她其樂無窮,這讓她驚訝不已。

    Becoming Engaged訂婚


    1.to propose - to ask someone to marry you求婚——請求某人與你結婚

    I'm going to propose to Alan next week.我下周準備向艾倫求婚了。

    2.to ask someone to marry you - to ask someone to be your spouse求婚——請求某人成為你的配偶。

    Have you asked her to marry you yet?你已經向她求婚了嗎?

    3.to ask for someone's hand in marriage - to ask someone to marry you求婚——請求某人與你結婚

    Peter arranged a romantic dinner and asked Susan's hand in marriage.皮特安排了一場浪漫的晚宴,并向蘇珊求婚了。


    1.proposal - the question made when asking someone to marry求婚詞——求婚時提出的問題

    He made his proposal when they brought out the champagne.當他們拿出香檳時,他念出了自己的求婚詞。

    2.engagement - the state of being engaged, making the promise to marry each other訂婚——定下了婚約,承諾與對方結婚。

    They announced their engagement at the Christmas party last week.上周在圣誕節派對上,他們宣布訂婚。

    3.fiance - the person to whom you are engaged未婚夫——訂婚的對象

    My fiance works in education.我的未婚夫是從事教育行業的。

    4.betrothal - literary term synonymous with engagement (not commonly used in modern English)婚約——訂婚的文學術語(現代英語中不常用)

    The couples' betrothal was approved by the king.這對夫妻的婚約是經過國王陛下恩準的。


    1.to pop the question - to ask someone to marry you求婚——請求某人與你結婚

    When are you going to pop the question?你準備什么時候結婚?



    1.to get married - the action of becoming husband and wife結婚——結為夫妻

    They got married in a historic church in the countryside.他們在鄉村里的一座歷史悠久的教堂里結為夫妻。

    2.to marry - to get married結婚

    They are going to wed next June.他們明年六月結婚

    3.to wed - to get married結婚

    We wed twenty years ago on this day.二十年前的今天是我們結婚的日子。

    4.to say "I do" - the agree to marry the other person at a wedding說“我愿意”——在婚禮上同意與對方結為夫妻

    The bride and groom said "I do" after their vows.新郎新娘在婚誓后說“我愿意”。


    1.anniversary - the day of your wedding, celebrated by married couples紀念日——夫妻一起慶祝結婚的日子

    Our anniversary is coming up next week. What should I get her?我們的結婚紀念日下周就要到了。我該給她買什么好呢?

    2.marriage - the state of being married結婚——已婚的狀態

    Their marriage is very good. They've been married for twenty years.他們的婚姻十分美滿。他們結婚已經二十年了。

    3.wedding - the ceremony during which people get married婚禮——結婚時舉行的儀式

    The wedding was lovely. I couldn't help crying a little.他們的婚禮布置得好可愛。我都忍不住流淚了。

    4.matrimony - the state of being married (used less commonly than 'marriage')結婚——已婚的狀態(比marriage使用的頻率小)

    The matrimony withheld the test of time.婚姻要經受得住時間的考驗。

    5.wedlock - the state of being married (used less commonly than 'marriage')結婚——已婚的狀態(比marriage使用的頻率小)

    We've been in wedlock since 1964.我們1964年就結婚了。

    6.vow - the promise made between two people during a wedding婚誓——在結婚典禮上,夫妻倆相互許下的諾言。

    We exchanged our vows in front of our family and friends.我們在親朋好友面前交換了誓言。

    7.bride - the woman who marries新娘——結婚的女人

    The bride was so beautiful. They looked so happy together.新娘好漂亮啊。他們在一起看起來好幸福。

    8.groom - the man who marries新郎——結婚的男人

    The groom looked arrived twenty minutes late for the wedding. Everyone was very nervous!新郎婚禮遲到了二十分鐘。大家都十分緊張











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